The Straight Escort Directory



Hey there! Im Casey. If youre interested in hanging with me and have the means to do so please feel free to hit me up Always. Let me know all the deets... which includes who, what, where, when, how long, how much (numbers) and Ill let you know. .. It's a beautiful morning and feels amazing to be alive and have a great day today! ok So cars needing to be realigned so that it will stop shredding tires which my roommate is about to be leaving here shortly to go handle. Bad news I cant do outcalls today/tonight. Good news is that I'll finally have the place all to myself for incalls... so thats the bright side of things I suppose! Looking forward to having a good time and that is only possible with Real Men. Please dont even bother hitting me up if you dont even have $200 at least to your name I ask politely... XoXo

Location: Phoenix, AZ, US
Phone: (602) 902-9930