The Straight Escort Directory



Greetings 10Yrs Great Service-I DO BUSINESS the RIGHT WAY! TEXT VIDEO RARE DIAMOND! Not to be confused with most ads i am not into SCAMS/GAMES. No Deposits CASH only in person Am college educated and have spent several years studying TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine and Techniques. Am not cash and dash drug addict or have LE issues. i see clients at my clean home studio. Shower Available easily navigated i77 exit 9B. In Business over 10 Years Highly Reviewed/Verified! ORIENTAL MASSAGE by EXOTIC EBONY CHYNA DOLL! Experience the Sun Tzu Emperors Royal Treatment. IN Ancient Times it is a well known fact that EMPERORS had a main wife and concubines to satisfy their voracious appetite. WHAT IS THE EMPERORS SECRET Of course many had SPECIAL physical and spiritual routines as well as specialized oils and tinctures. BLUE MAGIC. This secret recipe has been hidden for many centuries.The ingredients are plant based and are ant inflammatory and antibacterial. 4-5 drops are gently massaged in the groin atea for MAXiMUM BLOOD FLOW nevessary for a HARDER, LONGER ERECTIONS. EARLY/LATE ODD Hrs ok! Last Min Ok! Catering to Business Men with hectic schedules. SKIP SCAMS! SKIP AMATEURS TEXT 4 VIDEO NURU massage is a skill! Enjoy this specialized Oriental Massage at my private RED ROOM 30 mins 150 45 mins 175 60 mins 200 ask 2LADIES add $100 to any Session BLUE MAGIC: WANT HARDER ERECTION Ask about my new 100% all natural topical oil for fast BLOOD FLOW to the "D" will not interfere with MEDS!! @@@@@@@@ HiGHLY REVIEWED FORMER FiNANCE EXEC #1 Ebony NURU MASSAGE in SC/NC 10Yrs Great Service. AM Highly Reviewed DC/DMV area to CHARLESTON/COLUMBIA/CHARLOTTE ++++10 Yrs Great Service~Great Reviews @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All Races Welcomed. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Experienced with Golfers, Semi + Pro Athletes NFL/NBA/ HOCKEY/NASCAR etc also BOXERS/MMA KARATE College Educated Former Finance Exec. i started doing massages over ten years when i was doing Mortgages at Bank of America. Am Highly Reviewed on USA SEX GUIDE Large Client List: ATHLETES/Golfers, DOCTORS/LAWYERS + BUSINESS MEN Same DAY LAST MIN OK 10Yrs EXPERIENCE NO GAMES/NONSENSE

Location: Columbia, SC, US
Phone: (410) 905-9996