The Straight Escort Directory



Greetings RELEASE STRESS! ISLAND TIME Relaxing AFRO CARIBBEAN VIBES Mo'BAY MASSAGE is good for your HEALTH! FEEL BETTER! LOOK YOUNGER! LIVE Longer! 10Yrs Great Service- GORGEOUE EBONY JAMAICAN Former Finance EXEC! TEXT VIDEO ****BLUE MAGIC. This secret recipe has been hidden for many centuries.The ingredients are plant based and are anti inflammatory and antibacterial. 4-5 drops are gently massaged in the groin atea for MAXiMUM BLOOD FLOW nevessary for a HARDER, LONGER ERECTIONS. EARLY/LATE ODD Hrs ok! Last Min Ok! Catering to Business Men with hectic schedules. SKIP SCAMS! SKIP AMATEURS TEXT 4 VIDEO NURU massage is a skill! 30 mins 150 45 mins 175 60 mins 200 ask 2LADIES add $100 to any Session BLUE MAGIC: WANT HARDER ERECTION Ask about my new 100% all natural topical oil for fast BLOOD FLOW to the "D" will not interfere with MEDS!! @@@@@@@@ HiGHLY REVIEWED FORMER FiNANCE EXEC #1 Ebony NURU MASSAGE in SC/NC 10Yrs Great Service. AM Highly Reviewed DC/DMV area to CHARLESTON/COLUMBIA/CHARLOTTE ++++10 Yrs Great Service~Great Reviews @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ All Races Welcomed. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Experienced with Golfers, Semi + Pro Athletes NFL/NBA/ HOCKEY/NASCAR etc also BOXERS/MMA KARATE College Educated Former Finance Exec. i started doing massages over ten years when i was doing Mortgages at Bank of America. Am Highly Reviewed on USA SEX GUIDE Large Client List: ATHLETES/Golfers, DOCTORS/LAWYERS + BUSINESS MEN Same DAY LAST MIN OK 10Yrs EXPERIENCE NO GAMES/NONSENSE

Location: Baltimore, MD, US
Phone: (410) 905-9996