The Straight Escort Directory



••{{nOw in the >75 & Coit Rd eXit< N Dallas aRea}}•• Now Available: Come video chat with me and my girl friends @dubiesdollhouse ~~>>Look: Upscale quality @ throat bottom pricing SeXxy ((160hh)) miLfy √√ CW-quEEn-of-IoP mY mouth wiLL make you beg and grip the sheets I'm looking forward to leaving my imprint on your bRains. Yes, both of them! I'm the girl you'd love to hang it aLL out with and just be around. SeXxy and swEEt personality, thAt gets sluTTy and wet ~>> just how you like it! {{Edging & MSoG}} aLwaYs Included eveRytime √√√Option for 2 or 4 hanDDs√√√ 75 and Coit eXit @ incaLL location with North Dallas aRea ouTcaLLs: (( For the next thee Days: 4 and 6 handed massages are available )) ***WaRning squirteR*** Attention Attention: ((aLL mY potential big bRain humans)) ~~youR little bRain will thank you~~ ((aTf-miLfy-quEEn-of gFe-Iop)) ((sluTTy-SeXxy-seX-GuRu)) I'm Sweet, Silly, Slutty AnD SupeR SeXxy Smart! I like to please and tease people to the core of my being, AnD I aM a freaky fun facilitator that makes smiles happen all up and down the middles of Texas... Come see me for an adventure into your sexuality. I am Extremely knowledgable and have a safe place to explore something you may desire... Maybe a new experience OR just looking for some real fun! If you dare & want to know more!! {{Right nOw •((North Dallas 75 & Coit Rd Area))• aRea}} +++++++++++++++ [[nEw]] mY Rates aRe nOw: IncaLL: 100qv•160hh•280hr•340hrh•420(2hr) OutcaLL: 200hh•320hr•400hrh•520(2hr) --only surrounding cities-- ((4 & 6 handed massages available only on request)) ++++++++++++++ As aLwaYs: *** Being a BLoggeR ~ LifeCasteR ~ couRteseaN ~ Erotic BodyPainteR ~ SeXx (GuRu) Coach*** ~ AandD ~ I am also an adVocate for: The CENTER for Positive Sexuality (TX) has me a little busy, buTT I'm trying to get it aLL down! ((He he he)) ------------------------- I absolutely love and believe in what I can provide to cater to your specific needs. My knowledge is extremely diverse and accurate. My highly specialized skills include me in the best in this industry. My intelligence and my sparkling personality help me stand out from the rest! My genuine and unique perspective shines through in everything I do... I'm hoping I get a chance to please you! I truly believe: Everybody needs a little Dubie once in a while! Come see me >}((o•o)){< it's been a while!!

Location: Dallas, TX, US
Phone: (469) 554-1460