The Straight Escort Directory

You feel like you're always the giver, and never being given to. youve rationalized it because "this is what people do" in long term relationships. The spark is completely gone, and when he does touch you it's doggystyle while he's thinking of someone else and he lasts 2 minutes giving you no pleasure at all. He pretends to constantly work late and shows no interest in you other than to question you about other men (this is the #1 sign of a cheater). I know you don't want to change your situation, whether its because you have kids or you're financially dependent on him. But you deserve to feel that intense spark from kissing someone. Fantasizing about their hands and mouth on your body. Having your needs taken care of (repeatedly) before he shows concern for him own. I am looking for you, for an ongoing, discrete physical chemistry relationship. I want to kiss you like my ability to live was dependent upon it. Slowly seduce you with my hands and mouth, and give you the intensity thst you're missing. Looking to chat and see if our kinks align, then meet in public before hosting. kik is endlesseater

Location: Charlotte, NC, US
Phone: (704) 287-0083