The Straight Escort Directory

Availible for Outcalls Real time reservations; simply need 30 minutes notice Wet and Playfully Horny No Stupid Deposits! 💲. No suprise Add Ons. *Simple Screening mandatory (see below for directions) then we're off to explore find Out what we're made of * Some basic rules are fixed in place- details upon inquiry. I love to get have my pussy played with. Cum play with me. im ready I get excited easy and can cream especially on command. Tell me what to do. I prefer to be controlled in intimacy. Let me surprise you when you see how hot and wet I get when your getting off. . We play show and tell. I am at my best with your hands on my neck and holding my hair back. endure my bouncey big bank and talk dirty with me. Again, No Stupid Deposits! 💲. No suprise Add Ons. PM me for details or additional info. SCREENING MANDATORY before recieving additional info. this will require snap chat and snap chat only. FT, Dou, sending a sms selfie etc. will not be accepted. I only use SC solely for the formatting of how they send content. it helps me rule some things out that would otherwise disqualify you as a potential. Using their cam button sets content to not be saved. Just seen and disgarded which Is all i want To do. It also shows proof the pic was taken in real time and that the pic not just pulled from a album or from the internet. if you don't have SC don't worry. Setting it up is simple. You download it n Create new user with Any name you want;, Mr. H, Dr. Seuess, anything. Add me and send selfie by taking picture with the cam button in the app. It only takes about 30 seconds to create a new user, add me. It took longer explaining this than it does to get snap chat and use it once. Its a very quick process guys, So you guys have the information now. look forward to hearing from you 💋💋