The Straight Escort Directory

well hi there everything is great today so are you. I'm usually with family or friends living my best life out in the world. So u can imagine i prefer texting i have a slightly massive anxiety disorder so speaking to another human over the phone is something i dread and avoid at all costs. I've answered plenty of work calls at the worst times possible I like to save myself the embarrassment. So don't be sketched when u get the voice-mail full on the first ring then an instant text kindly saying hello. I have no problem with verifying over video or phone call just need a heads up LET me answer a few questions for you! Yes those are my real and recent pics yes i can do a video call on snapchat for verifying myself just give me a few minutes to break away from friends family or work I am verified on onlyfans and on TNA No I wont have a bunch of roommates or people in my home while I'm scheduling with you to arrive your the only one. MY SAFETY AND YOUR SAFETY IS MY TOP PRIORITY 1ST AND FOREMOST so YOU WONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ANY BAD SITUATIONS I WILL MAKE U FEEL AS COMFORTABLE AS POSSIBLE I CAN AND WILL PROTECT MYSELF AND MY HOME At all cost SO NO CREEPS WEIRDOS DIRTBAGS SCAMMERS CON ARTISTS OR pieces of shit with bad intentions NO IM NOT A COP OR AFFILIATED WITH LAW IM A SAFETY PROVIDER BRING YOUR OWN PLEASE My incalll is in south Bellevue right off the freeways i405, I90 & 520 just a few minutes away from Seattle Issaquah renton mercer Island lets get your work started and or finished without stress and with a smile ๐ blonde milf thick white big breasts no greek don't ask not a chance Thanks for checking out my page excited to meet new or returning friends๐ ๐ I am leaving pretty soon and done for good