The Straight Escort Directory
Abbi Layne

Allow Me, if you will, to pose a hypothetical... If knew, without a doubt, you were about to recieve THE MOST satsfying Oral sex you've ever had (and most likely ever will).... To what lengths would you go to ensure you indulged in the experience at least once Take your dick to Disneyland with Darci Dee! Not only am I said to "suck cock like a $20 carwash" ...but i'm also an absolute joy to be around! Full of Hillarious quips derived from Trauma...And side-splitting tales of my missfortune! So your cocktail won't be the only one having a great time. I have something to entertain all parties involved! Despite my Mothers Attempts to raise a nice young lady who blossoms into a respectable woman...mamma raised a cock-worshipping Dick Witch. And Lucky for you...the candy trail ends in a two-star hotel room in your city! But inside my den of ill-repute, you'll find a pleasant suprise! I'm a good witch! That's right, i'm the Dick Witch of the Midwest. And my greyhound was caught in a tornado that landed me right in your lap;) Now that I'm up in your guts, New Orleans, I've found my home....and got straight to work snatching souls and setting unbeatable standards for everyone else. You'll be ruined. But who isn't these days...ammirite Thats right... I'll fatten you up and get rid of your Slippity-sloppity-goo. And, despite the rumors, This witch can....and will....get WET. There's a reason the locals back home are all under my spell. My reviews can be primarily found in South Bend, IN where I hail from. And you'd be hard pressed to find a single person who's not in agreeance that I'm the most skilled they've encountered. A lot of girls say it....I live it. I love it. I lavish the fact that I am the best. That being said....after careful consideration of all demographical and economical rates are firm. I will not haggle. This is not a yard sale or a flea market. My rates fall BELOW industry standard as it is...and my preformance is FAR ABOVE. my services are an experience of indulgence and may not be suited for a bargian shopper. In fact, upon hearing your lowball offer of a megar amount, I most likely will refuse service. Reason being....I dont want to dip in the same pool as someone who gets their Providers from the back of the line at the Methadone clinic. Same goes if you ask me for bare services (except BBBJ) or if you ask me for anything off my Hard limits list. Which is as follows; NO ANAL (my husband hole is off limits to all penetration) NO RIMMING (Preformed by myself, if you'd like to do to me...why not Doesnt do much for me but's your party, pink eye if you want to.) NO BARE VAGINAL (even if you "SWEAR you're clean", have had a vasectomy, can't produce spawns, will only "stick it in once", "cant get off with a condom" "are allergic to latex", or believe your member is too large. NO KISSING Wayyyyy to intimate. Go kiss your wife. I'm a dick witch. ' NO NEGOTIATIONS I do not....I repeat.....I do not care what reason you feel, before even experiencing me, that my rates need to be adjusted for you. I dont care what Crackie Jackie behind the Whattaburger dumpster charges for her Hepatitus Handie. I dont care that you're far away and have to drive across county lines to reach me. If you knew what I'm capable would crawl. I do not care that "It's only going to take you X amount of minutes" Of course it will. I'm highly skilled. Your inability to last, orfind prover close in proximity does not constitute a decrease in my value. NO TARDINESS If you agree to meet at a time I expect you to be there at that time. Its common decency and shows the same respect I would afford you. Although i see very limited amount of clients...I do recieve a ton of inquires and time is money. I equte for a reasonable amount of time before and after clients to allow me to keep up with hygine practices and relax before my next date. If you are late please communicste with me so that I can adjust my schedule accordingly. NO NO-SHOWS You will be blacklisted and added to Mr. Numbers database. This not only flags your phone number but also any text app numbers that are attached to your phones IMIE #, VPN #, and email. NO NAKED PICS/EXPLICIT TALK I have seen it all. I know the game well and if you are actually looking to visit me you wont need to be convinced. If you need verification I would be happy to send you a short video clip stating the current date and the last four digits of your phone #. OUTCALL PROTOCAL In lieu of the dreaded and risky deposit I have enacted a policy asking that all clients provide transport to and sometimes from outcalls. I do not tack on anything additional to the suggested donations. Sending an Uber/Lyft is a form of assurance that you are, indeed, a bonefide client who now has invested a small amount of capital and most likely isnt waiting at the address across the street jerking off in the window waiting to catch a glimpse of me and blowing his load at the fact that he tricked me into wasting my time and money to show up to a fake date. At the same time it ensures you know I'm coming. If you cannot order a ride you can cashapp me and i will order it.This also ensures a impartial 3rd party has witnessed my last known location in case you decide to murder and stuff my dead body. And keeps your street/driveway free of security personel. I do not do qv's on outcalls. If you cannot order a ride you may cashapp me and I will do so for you. Some exceptions may be made for those who seek to pick me up themselves. TEXTING ETIQUITE I find it sad i have to say this but please commuinicate with me in a respectful way. If you do not hear immediately back from me...i do not need your sassy "I guess youre not interested" comment. I may be with a client...and imagine your annoyance if i stopped in the middle of YOUR session to reply to another prospective client. If there comes a poin in our convo where you've decided you are not interested , whatever it may be ,I ask that you communicate that you are going to pass at the current time. I will not be offeneded. Oftern i am very overwhelmed with the amount of inquiries I recieve. You'll do me a favor by stepping aside and making room for someone ready to have their soul sucked out. I believe that covers it. Be respectful communicate Be on Time Be hygienic Have fun