The Straight Escort Directory

Candy 🍭

Candy 🍭

Hello Guys, my name is Candy 🍫 🍭 6'0 Long Sexii Beautiful legs. Ready to ChanGE youR liFE 4EvEr guaranteed to be the BeSt iN TowN. 5 ⭐ Very Clean And Discreet Ready To Meet Petite Ebony Bab3. leT mE EmbRacE yOU witH nothing BuT thE besT ipRomiSe yOu woulDNT neeD anotHER iHaVE EVERYthing you NeeD let me TREAT you LiKe the 👑 THAT uArE, TreaT youRSelf, Don'T cheAT yoSelF 😉🤫. 🚫Greek 🚫Low Ballers 🚫AAA 🚫Partying im OnLY aCaLL awAY ( Two One Zero ) 4Two9- 8Three6Nine Check out My ONLYFANS AS WELL or Snap Chat.

Location: San Antonio, TX, US
Phone: (210) 429-8369