The Straight Escort Directory



I’m Liliana, a petite, provocative 30 year old and very bad girl. A creative and restless spirit, I delight in subverting expectations. Perhaps it’s no surprise my love of the half-world where I’ve made my home. My tastes are eclectic, running from Raymond Chandler novels to quattrocento warfare, Vesper martinis and always, always romance. Looking for the Bacall to your Bogart, the flicker of passion you thought only existed on the silver screen? Look no further. Whether you’re looking for an intoxicating romance with your ideal girlfriend or submit to a deliciously exacting femme fatale with legs that go all the way up, you want sharp wit, crackling electricity and true sensual indulgence. Don’t deny yourself. Let’s slurp oysters while the Manhattan skyline glitters beneath us, before you whisper your secrets to me when we’re finally all alone. In short, let’s embark on something wicked together.

Location: Raleigh, NC, US
Phone: (646) 598-7527