The Straight Escort Directory

You've heard this kind of story before, but I'd like to tell it again. I am one of those girls with a cherubic face cut by unfairly sharp cheekbones. My hair has the thickness most people envy and in July, my porcelain skin warms to the color of sandalwood. You might be tempted to ask for my real name. It's flattering in a way, the desire to know someone so deeply. I love to laugh. I'm most at ease when the weather is sunny, people are kind, and 24/7 bodegas are within walking distance. The most vulnerable thing I can tell you is that I pretend I'm not a romantic, but I really, really am. Simply, I'm looking to be adored. I'm looking for the magical stretch between nervous excitement and resigned comfortability, that electric space before listless limbs grow heavy in deep sleep. Here, we can create that, forever. Lets get dressed in our best silks and manipulate time, darling.