The Transgender Escort Directory
Luscious Liberty's Pink Periodt

Hello Gentlemen, It is the return of Luscious Liberty. Back when Ifirst started posting I used to always use the moniker Luscious Lady Liberty I always thought that it what's something that described to me well and ultimately it stuck and overtime started to feel kind of old to me. Well with my birthday coming around and this being Libra season what better way to kick it off in the right way than with a good old luscious Liberty ad. Although this time of year is the beginning of Libra season this advertisement also marks the end of my lingerie dress pose', this is the beginning of a three-part finale and those of you who know me know that I'm going to absolutely bring it in this closing advertisement for those of you who are new to this website welcome I am Ts Liberty. And looking at the beautiful glamor shots the exotic looks and backgrounds as well asthis unique,distinct presentation you probably can tell that I hit a little different which is absolutely one of the things that makes me who I am and it's one of the reasons why I easily stand out from the competition and you're looking at this advertisement right now LOL. Rest assured that all these advertisements are done by me the pictures are all me everything about this it's something that I did I don't have a team I don't rhave anybody behind me or doing any kind of work on my behalf but I can say Liberty is a one woman show a team is not needed when you can do all that I can and any of my regulars or frequent visitors can tell you I'm totally confident ,absolutely capable as well as ready to deliver that real deal authentic golden five star, elite ,immaculate, elegant ,pleasure filled ,exotic critically acclaimed, highly coveted, either I'm your favorite girl or a favorite girl to hate but either way it is that often imitated but never duplicatedtransgender experience that embodies and represents the Platinum standard in transgender excellence I'm glad you guys clicked on this advertisement more great things to come here in the following weeks and I am fully covid-19 vaccinated I would hope that you are as wellI will not be sending any additional photos or videos other than what you see on this advertisement however if varification is needed you can video chat me or FaceTime me I am ready and available for both. « Back to nashville ts escorts.