The Transgender Escort Directory
TS BELLA VISITING (hablo espanol)

? NO LOWBALLERS - NO BACK FORTH TEXTERS - DO NOT RESPOND TO MY AD IF YOU ARENT READY NOW ?If you're looking for the ultimate experience of your life, then you have reached the right destination. We all deserve the finer things in life and I amone of the rare delicacies of this earth that should not be passed up. I stand 6'3 214lbs with a Amazon body that's naturally amazing. 8 inches fully functional with the backside that's hard to pass up. I am to provide an outstanding quality of service that has been unobtainable for many in the past.Prerequisite for any appointments: 1. Please read the ad thoroughly!!! 2. Come in a respectful and discreet manner!!! 3. Please be actively aware of your hygiene!!! 4. Come with the required donation!! 5. Come ready, willing, and able to enjoy yourself!! I LOVE ESPANOL AND WHITE GENTS!!! « Back to jacksonville ts escorts.