The Transgender Escort Directory

Full able to do incall tonight

Full able to do incall tonight

HELLOY NAME IS. KRISTINA LOVE AND IM A PRE OP TRANS WOMAN WHICH MEANS I HAVE A PENIS IT DOESNT WORK AND I DONT USE IT AS IM STRICTLY HERE FOR DICK NOT TO GIVE IT I ALSO DONT KISS AND I ONLY USE PROTECTION . .NOW THAT WE HAVE THAT BITCHY STUFF OUT THE WAY LET ME JUST SAY THIS ILL BE THE FREAKIEST LITTLE WHORE FOR YOU ILL SUCK YOUR COCK FOR HOURS AN BLOWJOBS ARE UN PROTECTED WITH ME YOU PAY FOR MY TIME SO WITHIN THAT TIME YOUR ALLOWED TO DO WHATEVER BESIDES MY RULES STATED EARLIER AND TREAT ME OR TALK To me HOWEVER YOU WOULD LIKE TOOO 150 AN HOUR 100 A HALF HOUR 60 a qv And 50 a blow job 719 744 7959 Hit me up a couple of hours before hand for the best chance to see me And if I don't answer you right away please don't text saying rude things like "Nevermind if your going to ignore me " or " Your lose I just wanted to have a good time " And TRY and understand people pay for my time and I have guys that pay for 6 to 8 hpurs at a time in order to film with me and there friends and like with any client I don't answer my phone during the time they paid for ....cause would u want me on my phone the whole time when I'm with you? « Back to pueblo ts escorts.

Location: Pueblo
Phone: (719) 744-7959