The Transgender Escort Directory

Long, $mooth, Toned, Leg$$$$ Here Hottie$..

Long, $mooth, Toned, Leg$$$$ Here Hottie$..

all long legs here standing at 6'2? I have a nice toned slim smooth body and an extremely large collection of sexy lingerie, and with the softest skin around I promise you wont be disappointed in your selection? looking only for men who are willing to $pend a good Time with a hoTTie like me, & plea$e re$pect me enough not to wa$te my time, and I will return the favor back to you. ??I prefer you TEXT before calling just to ensure im available to answer.?? IF YOU'RE NOT PAYING THEN YOU'RE NOT SPRAYING PERIOD.... NO IF's, AND's, or BUT's. « Back to losangeles ts escorts.

Location: Inglewood
Phone: (747) 295-7796